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Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

just a little something.

OK, well I just want to say ARGENTINA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although, I didn't watch the game until now  because of the unsubscribed channel, but at least I know the status of Argentina against South Korea which is 4-1. I have to say South Korea was seriously really good! But, Argentina will always be my number one team!! Argentina, you are always in my heart! May we win the South Africa FIFA World Cup.

Jadi, cerita seterusnya. Kelmarin, masa saya tengah skodeng-skodeng blog orang, saya ada terbaca tentang cerita lelaki-lelaki lembut. Selalunya, orang memanggil mereka *pondan*. Ya, saya tahu saya orang yang tidak boleh terima lelaki-lelaki jenis lembut niii. Tetapi, aduhai..apabila melihat satu filem, SUTUN 1 di astro ria, hati saya berdolak-dalik memikirkan bahawa ini semua adalah ketentuan-Nya. Di dalam filem SUTUN 1 ni, dia berkata bahawa dia tidak meminta utk menjadi lelaki yg lembut, memakai bibir gincu, memakai pakaian perempuan, jalan dengan pinggangnya yang selalu beralih ke kanan dan kiri. Jikalau keluarga sendiri tidak menerimanya, di mana lagi harus dia mengadu? Sekarang, saya faham bahawa tuhan itu adalah maha penyayang-Ar-Rahim. Akhirnya, saya pun jadi keliru melihat kelibat dia yang mahu membunuh diri sedangkan ayahnya sendiri sudah bersedia untuk menerimanya. Tetapi...apa yang saya tahu, kita haruslah menerima apa yang ada pada diri kita! Percayalah bahawa kita adalah manusia yang tuhan ciptakan, sememangnya kita bukanlah sempurna. Tetapi, selagi adanya cita2 itu, kita mampu melihat dunia kita dari segi yang lebih positif.

*buat post melayu. entah kenapa. saja2.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


ALAMAK!! The FIFA world cup has attacked me. I admit I am obsessed with it!! The thing is. We got ASTRO today at like 5pm but when I checked the sports channel....................................IT WASN'T SUBSCRIBEDDDD!!! I was like, I'm gonna die~~! But, I guess it's ok, the newspaper will publish news about the world cup. Here I am, watching a rematch of Germany and Australia because I missed the game. Germany was so like "rancak bermain, menggelecek sana-sini". GILA BEST!! Hahaah, 4-0. I really wasn't shocked because I knew Germany is like goooooooooddd!! Well, for some reasons, I can't choose whether to support for a country or more but I some that are in my list are Argentina, Spain, Germany, Portugal. Yeah, four of them. The last FIFA, Spain won because "Torres" scored, and I hope that light will come again!!! Yeeahahhh..IT'S TIME FOR AFRICA!!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another One.

OK.OK.OK. I look so damn sexy and hot. HAHHAHA! This is embarassing enough but still accepted. I refuse to look at myself in this picture. Anyway, like the one I told you before. We were dancing Macarena at Kelana Jaya, I think. It was the mini stage that was in ANGKASA. We were practicing so hard in order to pull off audiences' attentions. Before the line-up of performing, if not mistaken, the teacher's name was Miss Chang, she gave us a high five clap. MAN, how I wished my parents took a video of this. There was another class which performed to the soundtrack of "Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham". It was just pure entertainment. Still, good old times, good old times.

Me Me Me & Me & Friends.

                                                         WARNING: DO NOT LAUGH
Seriously. Hahah. I think it was Ika's birthday or something. As you can see, I am the one in between. Haha, my face~! It's hidden...Anyway, I'm still a cutie pie. LOL! NEEEEHH. JUST KIDDING.

Ribena Kids As How We Say It Budak2 Ribena.

I laughed so much when I found myself in a picture when I was little little little like an ant. I didn't know what to say, but time pass really really fast! From the time I was crying, holding hands-to-hands with my parents, growing up until yesterday, one of my dearest sister, Kak Erni. She told me, my voice sounded like I was matured. I mean, I never realized that my voice changed. Another one was when I skimmed through the comments in FACEBOOK, looking at old friends' face, they really changed a lot. I wonder if we would have reunion of some kind. Anyway, we're not growing any younger, that's what I know. For some reason, I miss that feeling of being a little kid in Q-dees. Meeting brand new friends until we danced Hey, Macarena. Although, I like being the "budak kecik" among my cousins. It feels rather safe than being a teenager and a wannabe young adult. There's still so much explorations that I have yet to discover. But, ALHAMDULLILAH, my life is yet just normal but special. Not the way I expect it, but it's the way how I take it. The pictures. Credit to my bestie in Q-dees, and still bestie now.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hello, fellas~~
Okay, I admit I didn't update this blog for so long. With the school mid-exams, I've been so stressed lately with all the things around me lately. I just got back from my kampung in Kelantan, I'll post the pics later when I have time. Everybody asked me about the exams so here's a little bit of line-up of the week of exams. I took 16 paper which includes a whole lot of paper1 and paper 2 for BM, BI, Science, Math, even PSV. (Pendidikan Seni Visual) My parents especially my father said they'll let it go this time because I just got into school, but still, I needed to prove to them that I am able to take any challenges. Although, I did trust myself to not worry TOO much. I mean, give me a break right?? There's also Sejarah, Geografi and many more with objective questions.

Next, about my holiday vacation to my kampung!! Man, it was GREAT! I feel like I haven't rest for so long~~ We didn't go anywhere like Pengkalan Kubor, Rantau Panjang, but we did go around the town like Wakaf Siku, Wakaf Baru, Pengkalan Chepa to look at planes boarding and landing, you know just for entertainment. I bought new wedges thanks to dearest Kak Sha cuzin' for sponsoring my wedges. Haha, I never thought that I'll buy a pair of shoes at KB, but who cares??!! Thank you so much, Kak Sha!!!! I appreciate, seriously, from the bottom of my heart. Then, I bought two tudung Yuna's and one white bawal tudung. it's all a girl thing. Ooo, and yeah one more thing, I bought this purse-to-go to keep my phone, IC, money and bling-bling~. And now I'm here blogging at 2am. Seriously, I need to go to sleep and rest. Don't worry, I'll try to blog more tomorrow.
Bye-bye and take care everybody ~~!!