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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kajang and KAJANG and kajang again.

Well, as you can see my tittttloooo. Kajang. I spent my two-day-weekend at kajang, visited my cousins, and it was hell fun. Yeah, cousins can sometimes be your best friend, you know that ? Oh weelll, mula2. Pergi kajang untuk ambil mee-hoon that my mother ordered dari my makcik. And then, decided to sleep there as well because there's a dinner going on that night. MAKAN PUNYAAA LA BYK. mana berat tak naik kalau ini gayanye ? Menu for da' dinner is MEE BANDUNG, SOTO NASI HIMMPIIT (gurauan semata-mata), NASI GORENG, AND SIRAP LAH. C'est merveilleux ~~ and that is why i am proud to be malaysian. haha.

next day, saturday. went to this "senamrobik" it was yyeeaahhh, VERY ENTHUSIASTIC. i loved it, even though, there were lots of people. and one thing i like about it, i don't know a single person there. :D and then jog again and again (2PM, yeaah) and, we went back. blaaahblahblah.

sunday, which was today. went to bukit jalil, visited my newly-born cousin called FATIMAH. quite a simple name yet it has a huge impact on some of the prophet's stories. if you know what i'm saying. she's damn cute, small, light, cute, cute and cute. haha, after all, she is a BABY. after that long weekend, went back to my home sweet home. my dad's still not here because he's in japan. insyaAllah, he'll be just fine, with the right amount of edible food and hope he has a good time there because now, i 'm missing him so much, because he can't call from japan because his phone got no roaming. if that's the way i shall say it.

nitey-nite all.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

cirque du freak.

Salam~ Hey, hey, hey ! Apa khabar semua ? So, korang semua dah pergi jalan2 ke ? Pergilah mna sekalipon, asalkan tidak bertapak di rumah sendiri utk 2 hari, at least ? Heesh, aku sendiri tak pergi mana2 lagi. Boring, tau tak boring gile ? Anyway, I hope that your vacation is as sweet as the chocolate. WTH??!!

Right now, it's movie time on a saturday night. (well, not really night but it's 2o'clockAM) And yeah, it's about a 16-year-old-vampire-wannabe. He's Darren and yeah, has a mentor, blahblahblah. Watch it yourself, go ahead. Anyway, do you guys have any idea where to go in M'sia that would not be boring ????????????? OMG, pleassse help me.

One more problem. IDK, but I'm all stressed lately bcuz of my ***. That one day, I went to Alamanda with my friend and my cousin, watched a movie "aku tak bodoh" and got back home. And, after that, as usual, my *** would go "lepas balik nie, *** tak nak malin pergi mana2, duduk rumah baca buku SAHAJA !!" I was like freaking tired on that day and just did like what *** wanted, you know.. Recently, I went to Alamanda again but this time only with friends. While my *** was driving the car with two of my friends behind chit-chatting, *** goes "buat ape nk pergi alamanda ? pergi sekolah lagi bagus. dah dah, lepas nie, tak payah nak pergi mana2 dah lepas nie. *** nak tgk malin baca buku. lepas mandi, turun bawah, buka buku..." SO. that was how it was. start dalam kereta lagi, dah frust gilaa tahap klcc, aku terus mandi, baca novel, dgr lagu. Baca buku tu mmg adalaaa... But, you know what, who said life was easy, right?

         and i don't know if that's gonna happen. :'(

SALAM. don't let your guts down.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hey Guys. It's freaking DECEMBERRRRR.

Another 25 days,
to wake up late.
Another 25 days,
to log in to fb 4 times a week.
Another 25 days,
to see my old and new friends.
Another 25 days,
to have this holiday.
Another 25 days,
before i-have-to-do-this-to-get-it sorta attitude.

HAIYOO. So, basically. It'll be a fressssh new year with new aspirations, as you might say it. I've got my goals and I'm hoping I can reach it, INSYALLAH. If GOD is willing. Anyway, next year I have this huge exam, so I won't be posting as much as I would now (i don't even post that much, actually !). Yeah, can't believe it's alreadyyyy freaking last month of the year. Are you guys ready for 2011 ? Seriously, there have been have a lot of this and that situations in 2010, now I'll just have to say goodbye to it, MANN. This vacation, I haven't even go anywhere that far, except KELANTAN for raya haji. Hmm, kata nak pergi Bandong la, Singapore la. Last2, didn't even go to any particular locations !! Oklah. I think I've gotta go, bye-bye. I think, for NEW YEAR, i'll update stuff.

Nite2 everybody. (if i do have a reader.)
SALAM. don't let anybody let your guts down. :)

Friday, November 19, 2010



Hahah, raya this time GEMPAK.

Thursday, November 11, 2010



                            KES 1: kamu dapat tahu kawan kamu kutuk dari belakang ?
                            KES 2:kamu ada seorang kawan yang hendak lari dari rumah ?
                            KES 3:kamu dapat C utk math ?
Ni laa antara masalah2 yg berlaku dlm hidup aku. Aku dah tak tau nk ckp ape. LUMRAH HIDUP SEORANG MANUSIA. Selalu ada aje dugaan yg menempa hidup. In order for us to grow stronger, we have to just face it.
Tak kira la zaman kuno ke, kanak2 ribena ke, skola ke, dewasa ke, mesti ada kes 1 nie. Bila hati dah tak puas dgn kawan sendiri, habislah. Kutuk fasal kita dgn mulut sendiri. Org yg berspesies KUTUK DARI BELAKANG nie, mereka tak sedar. Mereka tak sedar yg mereka nie dah buat dosa besar. Dari depan, alahai.. punyalaa baik, bila tgk blkg, mcm ..Astaghfirullahalazim.. Tak tau nk ckp ape. Kes ni, bukanla aku yg kena tapi kawan aku yg kena. Geram jugak bila die dah cerita mcm2. Akhirnya, org tu jugak yg kena.
Mmg aku dah ketandusan idea nak cakap ape pasal kes 2. Mcm nie. Kawan aku bagitau aku yg die nak lari dari rumah. LARI DARI RUMAH. Hati mana yg tak terbelah klu dgr kwn die nak lari dari rumah sendiri. Nak bagi nasihat, entah ye tak ye masuk ke tak dlm kepala kawan aku nie. Aku nak ckp, aku mmg sayang kt kwn aku dan aku tak nak benda2 buruk berlaku kt die. Sabarlah. Kerana sabar itu separuh drpd iman.
Aku dah cuba sedaya upaya aku utk buat kertas math itu. Entah knp pagi, ptg, siang, mlm, aku praktis math. Hasil ini jugak yg aku dpt. Takpe, takpe, hidup aku masih jauh lagi. Aku boleh terbang lagi selagi sayap aku tak patah.

Dah pukul 1.11am.
Selamat Malam.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Bile dah tiada topik untuk dibicarakan.

So, ni laa antara rakan-rakan sekolaaaa yang rapat dan tak rapat. Ape2 pon, saya sebagai seorang manusia tidak menyangka dapat berjumpa dengan orang yg sebegini. Pada saya, bila kita ber-KAWAN, kita hendaklah ikhlas. Pilih kawan tu biarlah betol-betol. Bila balik dari Brussels, asyik fikir aje kawan yg mcm mana aku dpt nnti, ek ? Aku dkt sini nk cakap betapa syukurnya aku jumpa diorang. Apa-apa masalah, aku share ngn diorang. Inilah kawan sebenar. Sudi tolong kita kalau kita susah. Long ago I realised, I've got so many supports from my friends. And because of that, that made who I am today and in the future. That's why they say our lives are mostly influenced by our friends. Bila ada teman rapat, jagalah diorang sebaik mungkin. Trust me, when you've got your besteeeest friends, you do not want to let them go easily. 

p/s          Oh yeah, ni masa jamuan raya. Semua pakai molek2 sokmo. Dpt RM2 dari sekolah. Hahah 2ringgit..SYUKORRR la tu. Bila nak raya lagi ?? Hehe.

Apa yang korang fikir kalau aku masuk dikir barat ? Macam mek siam. HAHAH. Cikgu ada suggest lagu DIKIR BARAT SAIBA. Lagu dikir barat yang agak sedih, tapi bila dilagukan agak rancak. (rancak laa sgt..) Mengisahkan tentang seorang perempuan yg meninggalkan kekasihnya tanpa meninggalkan apa2 berita utknya. Yg ni lagu dikir barat yang pertama, yg kedua belom fikir lagi. Tapi, semestinya dikir barat yg ber-genre ROCK.

Perbualan dgn kakak form3.
kakak f3:  apa kata kita buat dikir barat guna lagu JUSTIN BIEBER ?     
saya: HAHAAAA, lawak. macam mana nak nyanyi part baby tu ?
 saya sukaaaa. BEBEH. haha. dikir barat punya fasal laaah.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ngeeeee. :D

Esok cuti, oh yeah. Hari senin, haiyoo. Kebetulan, hari Selasa ada bowling competition for sekolah-sekolah di Putrajaya so, Senin oh senin, pergi praktis di ALAMANDA. Haha, balik rumah approximately at 10pm. Lambat gile, mak ayh dah naik risau. 24 MISSED CALLS. Well, bowling results memang tak memuaskan langsung. Takpelah, at least, better than my last score.

EXAM RESULTS. Saat yang paling menggerunkan. I DID MY BEST, LET ALLAH DO THE REST. Aku tahu, aku dah buat yg termampu-terbaik-dah beri segala2 otak aku dekat paper exam tu. Redha je dengan results2 yg akan datang. Tadi, makan dkt Johnny's Steamboat. Yum, yum tiba-tiba nampak cikgu Math. Haha, gelabah, or as in "kentut" my friends call it, tapi cikgu tak nampak pon.

Selamat Deepavali kpd sesiapa yang menyambutnyee. Mesti ada tabur-tabur beras yang colorful tu. Entah bahasa ape aku cakap. Memangla, tak tau nk pegi mana esok. Cuti, ptotnye plan la pegi mana-mana. Tengok wayang dgn parents. HAHA. It'd better be good.

It's now 3:11 am. Sleepy. Nite. :D

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Sudah berapa lama dah tak online. Sumpah, sibok nk mmpos. Exam baru lepas. Approximately, at 9:00pm. There was a match between N. 9 and Kelantan. Rasa happy gileee sbb Kelantan menang. I think this is my first time watching a "malaysian" football match which is just fine for me. Next friday, deepavali ... for those of you who are celebrating it, Happy Deepavali.

Cerita Hangat : -------

Tapi, malas nk citer. haha. Ngade-ngade.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hello for a while now.

Askum. Yes. It's been a long time since I updated my blog. And I reallly reallllyyyy miss my bloggie. My bloggie stinks now!! Well, anyhow I hope you guys still follow my blog. A lot has happened but first I'm gonna say Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak for the Muslims. It's where we fast until the sun goes down. It's for us to learn and to feel how's it like to live a poor life. There's still twenty more days to go but I dare take the challenge and after that'll be RAYA!!! Yahoo~~~!!! 

For school, I did this oral-like test for BI and BM. It is HELL scary but thank god, I just did like I would. For BI, I did about my experiences in Brussels, for BM, I did the advantages of dates. In addition, I was chosen to go to this National Day at Bukit Jalil. After sahur, at about 4.45, I have to go to school. Man, that is like so damn early....I definitely want to sleep in the bus. 

Right now, my mother's away to Shah Alam to berbuka puasa there with her siblings. Me and my PAPA. Just chillin' here watching Lagenda Budak Setan. Hahaha, LBS??? OMG, I can't I believe I'm watching this with my father. It's still Farid Kamil but not the heroine. It's this new girl, Masliana something, no offence but I kept watching her eyebrows and realised that she has a lot of eyebrows. I meant hair long! Hahha.

Next, oh yeah. A new girl and a new boy came to my school. Boy: Iskandar Ezwan. Girl: Alani something.
The boy's ok..since he also likes sushi, and he's really friendly. At first, there's a lot of negative thoughts came to my head about the girl. Her way of walking is just like urrgghhh. So GIRLY man~!!!  But then, I'm like it's ok. Since, everybody's not perfect and she's also kinda friendly. So, that's all settled.

I'll still update more of my story. Till then, take care. Bye2 and just know that I love you guys.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


OMGGGGG~~!!! Well, at last I got my results. Supposedly my parents had to go to school but only my mom came because my dad had a meeting. I seriously do not know how I feel right now. I mean it's been a month since I enrolled into a Malaysian school. And yeah, my mother feels like I need much more practice in math and stuff. Over all, I am proud of myself although I do know that I can do better! I got number....*jeng, jeng, jeng..* number 5~~!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

just a little something.

OK, well I just want to say ARGENTINA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although, I didn't watch the game until now  because of the unsubscribed channel, but at least I know the status of Argentina against South Korea which is 4-1. I have to say South Korea was seriously really good! But, Argentina will always be my number one team!! Argentina, you are always in my heart! May we win the South Africa FIFA World Cup.

Jadi, cerita seterusnya. Kelmarin, masa saya tengah skodeng-skodeng blog orang, saya ada terbaca tentang cerita lelaki-lelaki lembut. Selalunya, orang memanggil mereka *pondan*. Ya, saya tahu saya orang yang tidak boleh terima lelaki-lelaki jenis lembut niii. Tetapi, aduhai..apabila melihat satu filem, SUTUN 1 di astro ria, hati saya berdolak-dalik memikirkan bahawa ini semua adalah ketentuan-Nya. Di dalam filem SUTUN 1 ni, dia berkata bahawa dia tidak meminta utk menjadi lelaki yg lembut, memakai bibir gincu, memakai pakaian perempuan, jalan dengan pinggangnya yang selalu beralih ke kanan dan kiri. Jikalau keluarga sendiri tidak menerimanya, di mana lagi harus dia mengadu? Sekarang, saya faham bahawa tuhan itu adalah maha penyayang-Ar-Rahim. Akhirnya, saya pun jadi keliru melihat kelibat dia yang mahu membunuh diri sedangkan ayahnya sendiri sudah bersedia untuk menerimanya. Tetapi...apa yang saya tahu, kita haruslah menerima apa yang ada pada diri kita! Percayalah bahawa kita adalah manusia yang tuhan ciptakan, sememangnya kita bukanlah sempurna. Tetapi, selagi adanya cita2 itu, kita mampu melihat dunia kita dari segi yang lebih positif.

*buat post melayu. entah kenapa. saja2.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


ALAMAK!! The FIFA world cup has attacked me. I admit I am obsessed with it!! The thing is. We got ASTRO today at like 5pm but when I checked the sports channel....................................IT WASN'T SUBSCRIBEDDDD!!! I was like, I'm gonna die~~! But, I guess it's ok, the newspaper will publish news about the world cup. Here I am, watching a rematch of Germany and Australia because I missed the game. Germany was so like "rancak bermain, menggelecek sana-sini". GILA BEST!! Hahaah, 4-0. I really wasn't shocked because I knew Germany is like goooooooooddd!! Well, for some reasons, I can't choose whether to support for a country or more but I some that are in my list are Argentina, Spain, Germany, Portugal. Yeah, four of them. The last FIFA, Spain won because "Torres" scored, and I hope that light will come again!!! Yeeahahhh..IT'S TIME FOR AFRICA!!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another One.

OK.OK.OK. I look so damn sexy and hot. HAHHAHA! This is embarassing enough but still accepted. I refuse to look at myself in this picture. Anyway, like the one I told you before. We were dancing Macarena at Kelana Jaya, I think. It was the mini stage that was in ANGKASA. We were practicing so hard in order to pull off audiences' attentions. Before the line-up of performing, if not mistaken, the teacher's name was Miss Chang, she gave us a high five clap. MAN, how I wished my parents took a video of this. There was another class which performed to the soundtrack of "Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham". It was just pure entertainment. Still, good old times, good old times.

Me Me Me & Me & Friends.

                                                         WARNING: DO NOT LAUGH
Seriously. Hahah. I think it was Ika's birthday or something. As you can see, I am the one in between. Haha, my face~! It's hidden...Anyway, I'm still a cutie pie. LOL! NEEEEHH. JUST KIDDING.

Ribena Kids As How We Say It Budak2 Ribena.

I laughed so much when I found myself in a picture when I was little little little like an ant. I didn't know what to say, but time pass really really fast! From the time I was crying, holding hands-to-hands with my parents, growing up until yesterday, one of my dearest sister, Kak Erni. She told me, my voice sounded like I was matured. I mean, I never realized that my voice changed. Another one was when I skimmed through the comments in FACEBOOK, looking at old friends' face, they really changed a lot. I wonder if we would have reunion of some kind. Anyway, we're not growing any younger, that's what I know. For some reason, I miss that feeling of being a little kid in Q-dees. Meeting brand new friends until we danced Hey, Macarena. Although, I like being the "budak kecik" among my cousins. It feels rather safe than being a teenager and a wannabe young adult. There's still so much explorations that I have yet to discover. But, ALHAMDULLILAH, my life is yet just normal but special. Not the way I expect it, but it's the way how I take it. The pictures. Credit to my bestie in Q-dees, and still bestie now.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Hello, fellas~~
Okay, I admit I didn't update this blog for so long. With the school mid-exams, I've been so stressed lately with all the things around me lately. I just got back from my kampung in Kelantan, I'll post the pics later when I have time. Everybody asked me about the exams so here's a little bit of line-up of the week of exams. I took 16 paper which includes a whole lot of paper1 and paper 2 for BM, BI, Science, Math, even PSV. (Pendidikan Seni Visual) My parents especially my father said they'll let it go this time because I just got into school, but still, I needed to prove to them that I am able to take any challenges. Although, I did trust myself to not worry TOO much. I mean, give me a break right?? There's also Sejarah, Geografi and many more with objective questions.

Next, about my holiday vacation to my kampung!! Man, it was GREAT! I feel like I haven't rest for so long~~ We didn't go anywhere like Pengkalan Kubor, Rantau Panjang, but we did go around the town like Wakaf Siku, Wakaf Baru, Pengkalan Chepa to look at planes boarding and landing, you know just for entertainment. I bought new wedges thanks to dearest Kak Sha cuzin' for sponsoring my wedges. Haha, I never thought that I'll buy a pair of shoes at KB, but who cares??!! Thank you so much, Kak Sha!!!! I appreciate, seriously, from the bottom of my heart. Then, I bought two tudung Yuna's and one white bawal tudung. it's all a girl thing. Ooo, and yeah one more thing, I bought this purse-to-go to keep my phone, IC, money and bling-bling~. And now I'm here blogging at 2am. Seriously, I need to go to sleep and rest. Don't worry, I'll try to blog more tomorrow.
Bye-bye and take care everybody ~~!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Time to Write whoever's out there reading this..hehe! Nothing special really happened..
I got up at 11am.. took a bath and went downstairs so that they did not ignore my presence
Said "bonjour" to my mak sedara..
Ate nasi lemak while listening to HOTFM...
After that, I watched my mak sedara cooking asam pedas, daging masak kicap, ikan goreng!!
So good lehh~

And before that, every 2pm, must take all the clothes that's been dried up in the sun..GARINGNYER!!
Folded all the seems to me that I'll be embarrassed if anyone say "Dah anak dara dah..lipat kain pon boleh.." I was like..and then..what to do?? I've grown up..since living in Belgium..haha
After that watched MTV Made where three bestie girly girls that have always been in the pageant,  wanted to prove to the world that they aren't girlish..and so they wanted to be motor cross racers. And yet, they achieved it thanks to the great coach.

Read "the vampire diaries" for 30minutes and watched the series of Adamaya..
Adamaya is about a girl in which becomes an obsession to a guy where she fell in love back when she was still in university. Then, she moved on and married a really nice, handsome, guy and even got a kid! The problem is, the other guy that was obsessed with her keeps running into her!! Man..the thing is..with this one guy..there's so much other girls out there and he still wanted her to be the one for him. I mean please-lah~~ takde org laen ker?? parents got back from the office and I guess they were really tired! For the night, ate all the food that was served in the afternoon. And until now..just chatting..haha..that's it for now~~
Goodbye everybody~~!! ^_^ remember smile everytime!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

First post in Malaysia

Haha, right now is 2:29am. I am tired, and my eyeeess are closing every seconds. Stayed up late because of eating sup tulang with rice and telor dadar at 11:30pm. This is the first post in Malaysia, hope you don't mind..I kinda wrote a little..and my layout for the blog is not working at all! Tomorrow...a new day starts! I love quotes, so each day, I will try to give out quotes for everybody. We'll see if I'm matured enough to do so...